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School Principals in the Czech Republic, their Status and Support

Czech and Moravian Trade Union of Workers in Education (ČMOS PŠ ) and ETUCE


Aim of the webinar:

The aim of the webinar is to discuss with representatives of school principals and other stakeholders what challenges the Czech education system needs to address in this respect, what are the possible solutions and what is the role of the different actors in the education sector. 

The discussion will also focus on how a collaborative culture can be strengthened in schools and education systems and what form of collaborative leadership is desirable and effective for the success of educational institutions.

Exchange of good practices will be an integral part of the webinar. The Czech experience will also be compared with the example of Slovakia and the Slovak education system.


Programme of the webinar:

  1. Opening remarks František Dobšík, ČMOS PS president – Education in the Czech Republic and the Status of Teaching StaffAgnes Roman, ETUCE Senior Coordinator for Education Policy Perspective of ETUCE

  1. Ctirad Vaník, Headmaster of Primary School and Kindergarten in Krupka, Chairman of the ČMOS PŠ Professional Section for Headmasters – The Status of the Headmaster and Anchoring of the Headmaster's position in the Education Act, School Management in Practice, Administration, Possibilities of Strengthening the Headmaster's Position in the Education Act 

  2. Václav Korbel, PAQ Research Analyst – The Status of the School Principal in the Czech Republic 

  3.  Iveta Hudzietzová, Headmistress of the Kaštanová Primary School and Kindergarten in Třinec – The Middle Link of Support 

  4. Pavel Ondek, OZPSaV president – Status of teaching staff in Slovakia 

  5. Peter Danko, Vice-Chairman of OZPSaV, Principal of Secondary School –  Status of the School Principal in Slovakia and Anchoring this position in Legislation

  6. Discussion

Wednesday 5 March 2025
14:00 - 15:15 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 5th March
Online event
František Dobšík
ČMOS PŠ President
Ctirad Vaník
ČMOS PŠ Leader. Section of Headmasters.
Václav Korbel
PAQ Research Analyst
Pavel Ondek
OZŠ President
Petr Danko
OZŠ. Headmaster of a primary school.
Agnes Roman
ETUCE Senior Coordinator

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Wednesday 5 March 2025
14:00 - 15:15 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 5th March
Online event
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