Webinar registrations

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    1. Wednesday 26 March at 10:00
      Leading by Dialogues: Collaborating with Private Schools to Educate Teachers at...

      Federation of Private Educators of Greece (OIELE)   Aim of the webinar: The aim of the webinar is to discuss how innovative partnerships and collaborative efforts can create new ways in education, in the sense that leadership is...

    2. Thursday 27 March at 14:00
      Involving Stakeholders in Sustainability Education: FIN-HUN Good Practices

      Alteredu Aim of the webinar: The webinar will explore collaborative leadership in sustainability education through Finnish and Hungarian good practices. Featuring educators from both...

    3. Friday 28 March at 09:30
      Fostering collaborative leadership to improve psychosocial wellbeing in...

      European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) and European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE)   As part of the European Education Month, EFEE and ETUCE are delighted to host the webinar on fostering collaborative leadership to improve psychosocial well-being in the...

    4. Friday 28 March at 13:00
      Building Bridges: Networked Learning through Professional Learning Communities

      University of Catania and University of Malta Aim of the webinar: The aim of the webinar is to discuss the transformative potential of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) within and across schools as a means to tackle...

    5. Wednesday 14 May at 12:00
      ELNE Annual Conference 2025

      Dimensions of Collaborative Leadership - Exploring Together Register to the ELNE Annual Conference 2025! The Educational Leadership Network Europe (ELNE) is delighted to extend a warm invitation to the forthcoming ELNE Annual Conference...