The aim of the webinar is to explore what conditions are necessary for collaborative leadership to be effective in educational institutions from the perspective of racialised teachers, trying to answer the question ‘What kind of collaboration are racialised teachers looking for?’.
The main goal is to encourage dialogue where racialised teachers have a designated seat at the table to show the similarities of challenges faced by racialised teachers across countries in Europe, to encourage a collaborative approach from school leaders in Europe, preferably through legislation and educational policies, but also through unions as well as research focusing on teachers’ wellbeing, not only that of pupils.
This could further shed light on how the wellbeing of racialised teachers affect the wellbeing of racialised pupils and reverse, and how recruiting and retaining racialised teachers is not a single country issue, but a regional problem that presents itself throughout the continent.
Further, there will be space for collective action and learning, addressing the question of how to be a co- conspirator as a principal / school leader, as well as a colleague, while stressing the importance of continuous training and professional development opportunities for teachers and school leaders alike. These should be adjusted to the changing needs for the educational reality and the future of education, with a pupil population becoming more and more diverse, as well as new generations of teachers becoming more and more aware of the damaging effects of white supremacy culture and eurocentrism.
We want to invite for a conversation with different stakeholders such as educational leaders, unions and politicians to come up with suggestions for solutions together. But first and foremost, we want stakeholders to listen and learn from the experiences of racialised teachers.