Call for Good Practices - ELNE 2025

Before submitting your proposal, please read the Call for Good Practices carefully.

Name of contact person.


Name of organisation (of contact person).


Country of employment (contact person).


Role (contact person).


E-mail address of contact person


Name, organisation, role and e-mail address of author of practice (if different from contact person).

Title of the Practice


Please write a brief summary about the practice. 


Please narrate the story of your Good Practice. What challenge where you facing? How did the idea to solve it come about? What does your practice consist of? What are the outcomes in terms of impact of this practice? Don’t forget to mention all those that were involved as part of your collaborative leadership journey.


Write down the main objectives and its relevance. 


What was the organisational structure of your institution? Has it changed after implementing this Good Practice and if so, how?


What do you think makes this practice inspiring to others? How can it be replicated?


How did you hear about ELNE?


If you have a short video that showcases your practice, upload it here. 

I accept the terms and conditions. of Educational Leadership Network Europe

Thank you very much for your time. We are looking forward to reading your proposal.