Call for Research Summaries - ELNE 2025

Before submitting your proposal, please read the Call for Research Summaries carefully.

Name of contact person.


Name of organisation (of contact person).


Country of employment (contact person).


Role (contact person).


E-mail address of contact person.


Name, organisation, role and e-mail of author(s) that need to be credited for the research (if different from contact person).

Title of research summary.


How is this research related to the theme and topics of the call?


Please include the abstract of your research paper. 


How does this research exemplify or contribute to collaborative leadership?


What conclusions of your research study can be transferred to other educational contexts and scaled up?


What research field/area is your research linked to?

If your full research paper is available somewhere, please link it here. We will link it to our publication of your summary.

If your full research paper is not available online, you can upload it as a pdf here.

How did you hear about ELNE?


I accept the terms and conditions. of Educational Leadership Network Europe

Thank you very much for your time. We are looking forward to reading your proposal.