Education Chatter with Onni Saltevo

Education Chatter: Skateboarding into Education with Onni Saltevo. Education Chatter is an EFEE-affiliated YouTube channel and an independent space to discuss the wide variety of changes taking place in the education sector. As part of the EELW, this exclusive episode will be a chance to discover the innovative landscape in which education and skate culture [...]


Research Corner – Learning environments

Research Corner: Transformation of Learning Context and Environments.  This webinar, organised in collaboration with the ELNE Research Committee, will give a space for several researchers, selected from the ELNE Call for Research Summaries, to showcase their work. Research papers in this webinar will deal with the transformation of the learning context and learning environments. The [...]


Research Corner – Transformation of the Educational Profession

Research Corner - Transformation of the Educational Profession in/to leadership practices. This webinar, organised in collaboration with the ELNE Research Committee, will collect several research papers that deal with the transformation and evolution of the educational profession in/to leadership practices. Speakers will be the authors of these research papers, selected through the ELNE call for [...]


International Teachers for Transformation of Schools

International Teachers and the Potential for the Transformation of Schools. Movement of persons is at the heart of the European Union (Bauloz, 2016). However, the academic literature is clear that teachers, who wish to work in their profession after migration, face considerable barriers as they seek to work in new jurisdictions. Many international teachers face [...]


Adult Learning Educators

The role of collaborative educational leadership to support the well-being of adult learning educators. This webinar will explore the pivotal role of collaborative educational leadership in supporting the well-being of adult learning educators. From exploring the impact of European Commission policies on the attractiveness of adult learning to addressing staff shortages in Italy and Portugal, [...]


Research Corner – Staff Shortage

Research Corner - Shortage of educational staff. This webinar will present research focused on one of the most pressing issues in education: the shortage of educational staff. The presentations will specifically focus on highlighting the role of educational leadership and the empowerment of educators related to this issue. Speakers will be the researchers selected through [...]
