Leading Transitions for Digitalization in Education

Leading Transitions for Digitalization in Education. Leadership in a digitalizing school can be challenging and create more questions than answers at times. This webinar is a collaboration of the Erasmus+ DigiLEAD project on developing a Digital Transformation Strategy and the Aalborg University on School leadership challenges when implementing digital tools. Albena Antonova (PhD) and Ronni [...]


Human-based knowledge construction for all in the era of AI assisted learning

Join Dr Ferenc Arató from the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Pècs as he explores the impact of AI on education. In Part 1, we unveil challenges faced by traditional education in the AI era. Discover unprecedented opportunities for learners, previously inaccessible. Part 2 delves into the success stories of sociocultural and [...]


Digital Educational Leadership

Integrated Digital Educational Leadership for the Future (IDEAL Future): Digital learning communities to support leaders and teachers as change agents.   The pandemic has changed the traditional approaches to educational leadership.  Collaborative leadership models are necessary so leaders can develop and leverage from networks to pool resources, alleviate stress and reduce the complexity that they experienced [...]


Generative AI in Education

Challenging old learning methods: Generative AI in Education. When the internet (& Google) were in uprise, education had to shift from more factual learning to generative learning; critical thinking, writing and interpreting. In today’s world, not only all information can be found online, but new technology is also able to write essays, create images, and [...]


EdTech companies and formal education

How can EdTech companies and formal education connect?  Educational technology, or the use of technology to facilitate learning, has been growing in the last decades and has gained particular attention during and following the recent pandemic, while the needs of educators keep evolving.   How can formal education and EdTech companies connect? What are the benefits [...]


Media Education

Media Education: a common endeavor for Parents, Teachers and Principals. In the framework of the webinar, EPA would like to present its project HERMMES – Holistic Education, Resilience and Media Maturity in Educational Settings which is currently ongoing.   One of the greatest challenges of our time is to help children and youngsters in the development [...]
